This vision insight will help you make another important step towards improving your vision
These are two events that will help you see what is most important to your vision.
You’ve probably looked in your closet at least once for your shirt, and failed to find it.
It’s there all the time, but you don’t know where to find it. It’s only when you are shown it by someone else that you see it. Then you wonder why it didn’t appear to you.
These situations are why you believe they happen.
Let me first give you an example of what can happen in such a situation.
As I was searching for my phone, it was already there. I searched twice and couldn’t locate it.
I tried looking under the table for it, but it was not there.
He was not there until my mother instructed me to look in the right corner of a table. Although he was in the corner of my table, I did not see him. I didn’t touch the side of the table where I took the sheets and books.
It’s possible that you have experienced the same thing…
These are signs of vision impairment.
NOT. Because vision is more than just the eyes. This is why it’s important to be aware.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that your eyes aren’t working properly.
Your attention is elsewhere, and you don’t see.
You see the shirt, or the phone, but didn’t know it was there.
Why is this happening?
Because you thought the shirt or phone would be elsewhere than it was.
The mind is responsible for the details that we see.
The same applies to an experienced biologist, who can identify the type of bacteria in a sample faster than a novice biologist.
The difference in vision and quality between them is not what makes the difference, but rather the differences in information and experience.
This means that you can see and recognize what you already know.
You can’t see it if you don’t know its existence.
For example, if 2 people have a math problem they need to solve, the person who is most knowledgeable about the problem will quickly find the solution.
It is well-known that the mind can alter what the eyes see, even in middle school. This fact can be seen in biology and physics classes when optics are taught…
It is CLEARLY ESTABLISHED that the way we perceive and see things is as follows: The light rays from the object are focused upside-down on the retina.
Do you see someone or something upside-down when you look at them?
Not. Why?
Because the brain processes the information from the eyes and places it “upright”, so you can see what is normal.
This is possible only because your mind can alter what your eyes see.
Is it possible for the mind to cause blurry vision?
YES. It can.
How? It’s simple: If you don’t like what is being shown to you, whether it be a person or event, your mind will tell you to stop looking!
The vision will deteriorate when the vision is not what it should be (or not at all)!
It is important to remember that vision can be blurred by the mind, but it can also improve vision.
Let me give you an example: When someone decides which car to buy, what model they want, and what color they want, they actually see that exact model and car on the street.
This means that the more clear our minds are, the better our physical clarity is in those areas of life we desire to see clearly.
You can improve your vision quality by learning how to manage your thoughts and emotions.