For anyone who has vision problems, it is an everyday part of life to buy new contacts lenses and keep them in good condition. But be careful! Do you have blurry vision from the lenses that you just purchased? We will discuss the reasons this question is so common among our customers in this blog.
Our customers often tell us that their vision blurred with new lenses has resulted in them not being able to focus with contact lenses. It’s time for us to end all the doubts that keep you from wearing contacts lenses comfortably.
Are you experiencing blurry vision due to your contact lenses? These are possible causes
Verify that the contact lenses have not been damaged.
There are many types of contact lenses. Not only do they vary in materials and manufacturer, but also in terms the recommended frequency of usage. Contact lenses have a short life span, just like any other product that has an expiration date.
Have you checked the lenses for damage as they approach the end of their useful lives? It’s time for a new set if you find any damage. You can do this easily with extended-wear contact lenses such as monthly, quarterly, and extended-wear contact lenses.
It’s simple to tell if your contacts have stopped working. You may notice blurred vision, dry eyes, and redness. Below are more details:
At all cost, avoid dirt and grime on your lenses
Contact lenses can cause blurred vision if they are not properly lubricated in contact lens solution. Contact lens wearers who are new to the world of contact lenses will face many problems. They don’t have the right information and do not know how to clean them properly.
Eye health and care is a delicate area. It’s important to ensure that your lenses are kept in a clean, dry area.
Did you verify the recipe?
Although it may seem like an obvious mistake, blurred vision can be caused by contact lenses. Because each eye is different, an optometrist will be able to determine the right prescription for you.
A medical check-up may be necessary
As you probably know, vision problems can worsen over time. It is important to get regular eye exams to ensure that your contacts lenses and glasses (if you wear them), are properly adjusted to correct problems.
This is a good idea to do once or twice per year to see if things have changed or not. You should seek immediate help if you are experiencing any type of problem.
Have you put every contact lens in the right eye?
It is vital to have a prescription. Each eye may require a different correction. Therefore, it is crucial to always know which lens is best for your eyes. You will be able to see clearly without blurred vision thanks to contact lenses.
How do you know which lens belongs to which eye and which one is the correct? It’s easy! The letter R (Right Eye) will be on the contact lens holder. The letter L (Left Eye) will be on the cap.
Keep your eyes lubricated and prevent dryness
Contact lenses can cause blurry vision due to dry eyes. Comfortability while wearing contact lenses is also dependent on how well you hydrate. Contact lenses that aren’t properly hydrated can cause irritation or discomfort.
You can purchase eye drops to make contact lenses more comfortable if you experience this problem often.
Other problems: Intermediate or binocular vision problems
While you may have taken every precaution, blurred contact lenses vision can still occur due to vision conditions other than myopia and astigmatism. Binocular vision and intermediate vision are two clear examples.
This means that you might be able to see clearly with just one eye. However, depending on how far you are from the object, you may need different prescriptions. It is best to ask your optician for a recommendation about the best way to see.
How long does it take for contact lenses to become comfortable?
It may take up to three days for your eyes to adjust to new contacts after a prescription change. While it shouldn’t be painful or bothersome, your eyes will have to adjust. You will see worse if you don’t do it. Your eyes will not adjust to your needs.
Once you become used to them, there won’t be any issues as long as your routine is consistent. You won’t need to worry about blurred vision when wearing contact lenses.
If it continues for more than three days without any improvement, you should stop using the glasses and consult an optometrist. They will be able to assess the situation and offer a solution. Don’t put your eyes at risk. Always rely on experts for guidance. This will allow you to avoid many complications. You’ll forget that you have them on once your eyes adjust to them.
We want you to be able to easily get your contact lenses from your home, now that you have all the information you need about blurred vision with contacts lenses.